Policy of the Integrated Management System (IMS)


To promote the experience of Total Quality, internally accepted and culturally engaged, which guarantees continued satisfaction of important stakeholders, namely our clients and employees, through steady increase in the quality of our products and services.


To integrate in its operating strategy the continuous improvement of environmental performance of activities, while complying with environmental legislation, preventing pollution and protecting the environment.

Social Accountability

To constantly consider the contribution of Revigrés' activities to sustainable development, by aligning the social, economic and environmental dimensions with the legitimate interests of the community, and in compliance with the principles of Social Responsibility, in the belief that such practices add value to the business.


Ensure widespread innovation and generation of ideas involving all workers, foster knowledge management for enhancing human capital.

Intensify the goal to collaborate closely with the Entities of the Scientific and Technological System in the process of researching processes and multifunctional prototypes that strengthen corporate differentiation, competitiveness, promotion and leadership.

Commitments of the Integrated Management System Policy:

Environmental Protection

  • Plan Revigrés strategies and activities for total quality management based on considerations of social and environmental responsibility, with a view to preventing, reducing or minimizing negative impacts and promoting environmental protection.

  • Use of the best available technologies to prevent pollution, cut down on resource use (materials, fuels and energy), commit to reuse and recycling, when feasible, to the detriment of landfills.

Compliance with applicable legal requirements, rules and regulations

  • To ensure that requirements laid down in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, NP 4469 and NP 4457, and provided for in current legislation and other that Revigrés has decided to endorse, are complied with.

  • Adhere to and encourage workers, suppliers and customers to engage in the general, operating and specific social responsibility and environmental principles (as influencers).

Continuous improvement

  • Develop, implement and improve the Integrated Management System (Quality; Environment; Social Responsibility; and Innovation), and process monitoring indicators to ensure the focus on results and improvement of environmental performance, in a context of commitment to continuous improvement.


  • Promote the sharing of experiences and foster communication and engagement with relevant stakeholders, including partners, employees, suppliers, customers and neighbouring communities, providing information on matters relating to the environment and social responsibility, inter alia, stemming from the activities conducted by Revigrés.




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[1] PT National landline call costs

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